At first i tried to dissolve 40g of Kratom powder in 200mL of acetic acid 5%, which didn't work as expected because it was still Solid and Not in a soluted state, so i added another 200mL of the acid and stirred the mixture for a few minutes on a magnetic stirrer. Then i added 200mL of warm/hot destilled water and stirred for another Like 5-10 minutes.
Then i made the NaOH solution (but with normal water instead of destilled water because i didn't thougt of it, that the water in the NaOH solution should also be destilled

), and added like 300mL of it, because at first i used to less NaOH in the solution and the pH didn't increased so rapidly. The last pH mesurement was around 12-13, where the solution hat a dark Red to brownish colour.
After that i let the solution stirr for about an hour and keept it warm with the heating Plate on the magnetic stirring table.
I then added around 40mL of toluene stirred Well, and let the two phases seperate for a few minutes. I took of the toluene Phase with a Pasteurpipette (which was a hell of a procedere, next time i will use a seperating funnel ) and droped it into a flat Glas pyrex. I extracted two more times with 40mL of toluene.
I let the solvent evapruate over night outside, and then scraped the thin layer which was left with a razor Blade. I got a P
powder which was a bit darker than on the picture i posted.
I dissolved the Powder in Like 20mL of acetone, filtered it and again put it on the Glas pyrex. After Aceton dissolved i got this orange powder with a few crystals in it which smells floral as you decribed in the main post. I haven't weighed it yet because i want to do another Aceton wash, hopeing to get better crystals.