
  1. W

    Hola a todos, me presento

    Question Looking for a vendor 
    Hello everyone, I introduce myself and make my first post. I don't know where it should be placed and I'll put it in this category. I have stumbled upon this site and it has been like finding gold, over several years I have browsed, read and researched both on drugs and also chemistry. This...
  2. dnkr

    How to make cocaine bricks with a press?

    I have a hydraulic press with 5x7 mould and want to brick cocaine / lidocaine 70/30 mix. I'm testing how to use the press with baking soda, making it wet spraying with acetone, but when I take it out of the mold it crumbles especially easily on the corners and edges and is very messy. Of...
  3. Brinksyy

    Stop by Flea Market !

    Flea Market Flea Market's Official Onion http://llpc53iiugcobsdwjposo4fgdybell3vsemoigep7mo3nxm2vs5yywqd.onion/ >>>For vendors looking to get their name up contact us. The first 10 vendors if not already established will receive a Free Vendors account<<< Payment Options BTC XMR coming...
  4. meribel

    Synthesis and sell

    Good evening to all, first of all, thank you to the contributors for the vastness of the resources found here. I have 2 questions : I would like to start synthesizing methamphetamine and amphetamine and I would like to know if there are alternatives to products that are not easily found such...
  5. Novator

    Chemistry and Pharmacology of the Piperidine - Based Analogues of Cocaine

    Chemistry and Pharmacology of the Piperidine - Based Analogues of Cocaine. Identification of Potent DAT Inhibitors Lacking the Tropane Skeleton. Year: 1998 Pages: 1962-1969
  6. Novator

    Chemistry, Design, and Structure − Activity Relationship of Cocaine Antagonists

    Chemistry, Design, and Structure − Activity Relationship of Cocaine Antagonists Year: 2000 Pages: 925-1024 (100)
  7. krazyhitg

    How to make or synthesize cocaine

    Hello I am new to this topic, I have grown marijuana. I called my attention and aroused my interest in how to make cocaine, I was researching some time ago how it is done and I could not find much, I did not find so far or a recipe, but if I have the main ingredient that is the coca leaf. I...
  8. A

    I want to make the best cocaïne

    Hiiiii my friends , I would like to make coke but the problem is that in my country coca leaves are forbidden and I would love to know where to get some (I already have an idea to use "Delisse coca powder" but I don't know if it's going to work) also I already have the recipe for cocaine but if...
  9. R

    Procuring Coca Leaves

    Not looking for a link/source, unless thats allowed? (not sure what the rules are here on that) Is it feasible from within the US? I'm aware that the yield is something like 0.5% the mass of dried leaves, but I'm intrigued by the prospect of having such a pure product. Has anybody tried the...
  10. M

    Cooking crack

    Hello, so as of recently i've been very interested in learning the art of cooking crack, well it's not really an art it's pretty simple but there's different recipes that achieve different purities. I'm gonna share the recipe I found, but I would also like to ask a few questions. Written by the...
  11. G.Patton

    Cocaine testing protocol

    Introduction You bought cocaine, but the product has strange effects. Then you decided to figure out its composition. You open this article and use it as a guide for experimenting. The list of manipulations with cocaine product, useful information for home tests and product brief are mentioned...
  12. G.Patton

    Cocaine separation from phenyltetrahydroimidazothiazole mixtures

    Introduction. Phenyltetrahydroimidazothiazole (i.e., levamisole, dexamisole, ortetramisole) has been increasingly utilized as a cutting agent by South American illicit cocaine laboratories for the past eight years, and is now the most predominant adulterant in cocaine produced in Colombia. The...