I know and there are sellers who selectively scam people that they think wont knownor arent capable of calling them out on it. There are buyers who scam sellers by strong-arming them with threats to thier reputation, bad reviews and similar stuff. This is true for every market since silk road and every market handles it in a thier own way, but theres no escaping the short comings of buying drugs you cant see/hold. When consideringnthese things, the admins are like the judges. Theynhear thentestimony and interpret the rules andit cant be perfect. For one thing most markets let a seller set his own rules as far as refund/reship. So a buyer needs to make sure they read them and agree. Its implied that you agree if you click the buy button.mif youndontnagree, buy the stuff somewhere else. Many markets auto finalize a deal to com at buyers not finalizing and some are set to do it so fast, that its before you recieve the product. This isa sucky rule in my opinion, but ifnyou look at it from the sellers perspective its better. One ofnthensellers here waited 3-4days after the pack was marked delivered before action was taken to get his money. Mthe bhyer was probably not going to finalize, he probably didnt even realize he needed to. Being fair is hard, youncould say its not possible. What you can do as a buyer is document evsrytning you do until youve clicked finalize, so if something goes wrong, you can be more convincing than the seller, some of which have 10,000 sales and no lost disputes. You arent going to convince admin that you are right and the seller is wrong when the seller has a track record 10,000 events long and no lost disputes and he probably talks to admin daily. If you hope to convince admin, you are gking to need to prove that you even are famikiar with the subject matter. He doesnt know what you know, so be prepared to qualify your education and experience on the subject. Only then can hou make a case. These arbitrations are basically just like the court ststem and the outcome of a dispute relies on you out litigating the defendant. All I was tryingnto do here is smooth it over and help you understand that. No, i dont represent HEISENBURG, but ive got knowledge and experience with him and with admin in several other markets and i will lay my miney down on the table and my bet is you arent getting anything back. The reason is you havent proven your case not even tiny bit. I sypathise with you, ive lost money on several occasions too Probably $1000 last year. If I dont have a compelling case, i send the seller a message that says fuck you, then i hand over the dough because i cant win and whining is ugly