What the fuck? I think you got lost fella. The university library is located next door. Go study your PhD shit and keep fucking quiet. Remember, it's the library... You don't talk in a library.
No but seriously if you are smarter than all of us here why don't you do this yourself? Why did you even read those posts if you can do perfectly fine on your own?
Let me tell you a secret about chemistry. It's really not so much about books that you read than the practical experience you have in a lab. You reading about a procedure does not make you capable of executing it in a real environment. I deny this bullshit. A clandestine chemist who funds their own lab can know chemistry much better for the simple reason of having done so much more procedure which actively aid knowledge than chemistry students who barely enter the actual lab (talking from experience).
The part that infuriates me is not that you call out a bad product but that you call people out for not having studied chemistry. You know chemistry is a science of nature. Anybody can become a chemist be it they understand the laws and apply them properly in practice.
I didn't tell your mother she can't have kids because she isn't smart enough to do so "properly".
The best part is that I'm not even a "dropout" as an ego based individual like you would call it, yet still you playing the hero card sounds super arrogant to me for some reason...