Short response to OP's question:
For 2 chloro 4 methylpropiophenone (2c4m), some changes are required in your reaction.
From my experience of adapting the Chinese patent WO2017211129A1 for mephedrone with 2c4m as an intermediate, it took a while before I reached 70+% yields for mephedrone from 2c4m.
It's stated in the patent that they get 40% yield with aqueous solution of methylamine, however please keep in mind that the patent is for unsubstituted methcathinone. For mephedrone, with aqueous methylamine solution, I never got more than 30% yield. By increasing temperature or the reaction time, we can get more of isomephedrone-contaminated product only.
To get 70+% yields of mephedrone from 2c4m, we need to prepare methylamine solution in one of suitable anhydrous solvents as explained here:
I have problem because I don't know how to properly generate Methylamine gas I putted 100 grams of Methylamine in 80g of water and mixed in one beaker Then I putted 200 grams of NaOH in erlenmeyer flask which was connected with silicone tubing to ice cold liebig condenser and then to Jar that...
For this particular reaction, all of these methylamine solutions worked well for me: 10-20% in Benzene, 10-20% in Toluene, 10% in DCM, 10% in NMP.
I never tried methanol or IPA methylamine solutions cause it's stated in literature that alcohol solvents should be avoided for the methylamination reaction. Would be interesting to see what happens though.