I would aim for IKA/Corning/VWR, Fischer is also an option, but lately the opinion circulates that it is the Walmart of the scientific brands. You can snag a used one for cheap, how beaten and for how long it will serve you will remain a question though. The size of the hotplate is also something to consider, will the plate fit the size of glass you are going to use (the heat will come from the center) or is the glass going to awkwardly hang off it and possibly get knocked over?
Another consideration is the magnetic stirring, I would assume for re-x you'd want that included. The stirring capacity of the motors that the manufacturers list applies to stirring H2O in best of conditions, if you are going to stir a 3L mixture that resembles a slurry, a 3L magnetic stirrer is not going to cut it.
The material - are you going to distill sulfuric acid on it? You might want the cheapest one then. If this is going to be a piece of equipment you wipe down after every use and put away, then you might as well go all out and buy glass covered with ceramic.
I learned all this as I went, if you'd like my personal opinion on the best priced source and model, feel free to PM me. I am not encouraging gate-keeping by saying this, just the reality is that links to specific websites pointing to specific models should not be shared, as they could easily become flagged (as was with the 20L(?) flask being put on the DEA watchlist in the height of meth manufacture guides coming out, they all recommended the same capacity).