Two answers youre questions
"Is Bitcoin Overvalued?"
In my opinion NO WAY undervalued if anything.
It is in it's "design" to go up intrinsically in value and can't ever be overvalued because of many factors
Such as
Reverse inflammation.....
And regarding anonymous money, I predict that XRP or Monero will shout up in value and is actually

a grait investment (If im a tru fortune teller.) I say the PRICE of Monero will fly up to minimum low 10k USD and Bitcoin will matk the 180-300k usd before you know it or within 4-5years
I've been correct about the ups and downs of BTC value for some years now in my forecast
You'll see, I use to be a miner and had like a dosen ASIC's working for me 24/7 on the 256SHA algo for 3 years. I payed upto like 6500usd in electricity for something like 2 months, still it payed of or until my coldwallet "froze" and my Binance account got hacked and I was locked out of it with a FIDO2 (Yubikey) so basically unshakable unless you are being targeted specifically
Trust me plz and USE you're money now when you can,don't dwell to much on it its just money

U can moustofthetime make it iEASY