How to clean pseudoephedrine hcl time release pills


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Mar 4, 2022
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Sooo some one may have worked for months collecting this that and another but can't find a single source of a good method of cleaning this new pseudoephedrine. Chemicals at hand are anhydrous acetone , anhydrous isopropyl alcohol, muratic, lye and if needed I can get some ether . Looking do proform a birch but im not over the idea of a high tech shake using a p.e.t lined stainless reaction vessel i can retrofit with a line with guage 0 to 300 psi and a safty relief valve off a compressor (175psi)but so a manual burp valve . All of that would be stainless cuz ammonia reacts with brass ....any ways looking for ideas and links or any help at all.... ideas can be built as well ....if its a metal I can machine it and weld it all so ya let's make a bomb 😆


Don't buy from me
New Member
Mar 4, 2022
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I pretty much got it but idk about this page any more think I'm gonna head on out after noticing a couple things my answer btw was super obvious and easy ....these smart people only think in extremes ....they overlook the simple without worry because simplicity is not talked about or taught . Most people ignore the obvious but there bee a few people thats built differently. It all went back to soap making . ....... threw entire project into incinerator for the 2nd time in 20 years because I ignored the obvious.......o well in another 10 years maby . Butttttt iv said this.... learned knowledge is a power over those who wish to destroy said knowledge. I got my answers im happy its not worth the risk of jail and lost time with fam. ...just had to out do the brains hired by the government to prove we the people still control things if we force a simpler living style by enduring the mild discomfort of doing without none essential garbage things then we basically dig a tunnel under there whole system which leads to Collapse . If you can't tell chemical literature, studies, research and seeing just how much is covered up now and or completely omitted has kinda took me by surprise cuz alot has changed in all areas of life since the last time....10 years ago when the world was this boring and how much controle they have now fucking crazy the dea is into everything now where its no fun and not worth it all because technology and weak minded dumb ass's that can't consume great compounds without having to take puking doses that run lips..... lol and just to add to the comedy of my answer litteraly was the same as a very very old soap making process il end my rant by saying il step down from my "soap box" and end with fuck all the governments none of them speak for there own people any more and were a slave to there very creation that we built for them .....the end . Ya some is code some is obvious some is not and im sober lmao we the common folk are not in good waters my friend .... dig into Google patents and pubchem in the "related compounds" secion of these biosynthisised chems produced my geneticly modified bacteria....the n-isopropylbenzylamine has patents and compounds from several organizations for it being a microchrystal bla bla bla but its able to encapsulate things like vax's and there is literally a fucking patient and completely write up on it being a viable means of hiv transportation and infection of a host . And its everywhere I see cuz from 10 years ago its junk all tastes the same smells the same its all the same
Im Starting to worry more and more there's something big coming ....yall stay safe and bee good