easy gassing technique (indoors and discreet)


Don't buy from me
Mar 1, 2024
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written by vespiary user blaztoff, link here (typos + no additional content, link only 4 credit)

I came up with this gassing technique for all those who have limited space, can't go outdoors and have neighbors close by.

Go buy two of those nice plastic Nalgene bottles from your local science store. Or one Nalgene, one glass bottle with a screw on lid. Drill a hole in the center of each lid and fit a hose barb from your hardware store through the hole in each of the lids. Make sure it is a airtight seal. Put some gaskets in there to ensure security. If you want take some filler stuff and smear it on the outside to make sure. Then connect your hose from lid to lid. I like those pneumatic braided hoses for hydraulic lines cause they have a pressure connect for airtight connection. (Fitted to their own special barb.) Drill on smaller hole in the lid for your gas and put a sealable barb on it.

Now put your rock salt in the gassing bottle, seal tightly, and your toluene mix in the other. Pour your sulfuric in the small hole in your gassing bottle stopper and that's it. You literally watch the gas go into the gassing container and see your product fall out. You can let this sit for days with no real worry. It takes a little longer than bubbling through but you don't have to watch it or anything. You might want to put your container with the goods on a magnetic stirrer and occasionally set for low stirring to agitate the mix. And the Nalgene bottle is great cause you can squeeze it to get more gas out or shake.

Have found that you will always get the expected yield from product like this and never any worries about water or suckback or other shit. Just sit back let it go for a couple of hours filter maybe gas again. I use a 1L bottle for gassing and a bottle that is 3x my volume of toluene for my gassing container. Never have to worry about making more gas during gassing and I only use the smallest amount of salt and sulfuric so less waste. Hope this helps anybody.


Don't buy from me
Feb 22, 2024
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this is really hard to read and follow. it sounds interesting.