Advertizing Dead Drops?


Don't buy from me
Apr 7, 2023
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How is it best to "advertise" that one has a dead drop available?

It seems one would either need to advertise online, which imo won't result in many customers, unless in a very large city, like millions of people.

Otherwise, it would have to be done word of mouth, as in "I got this really good drug from the darkweb, check out this link" which has its own issues. Many, at least in the US, aren't dark web savvy, and if one is hoping to go large scale, aka ounce or even pounds or more, then this requires a very specific customer, and those are rare.

I guess I'm wondering how dead drops are supposed to really be profitable and worth the time, as it seems unless one is willing to do small scale darkweb (as in selling gram by gram or the like) or perhaps encrypted chat sort of deal, then it really is inefficient.


Don't buy from me
Oct 11, 2022
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I don't agree - Dead Drop is pretty decent for anyone with a good client base.
If you sell even 30 parcels per day it is worthwhile to set up in your area.
You could take 50-100 packaged parcels out with you and lay them all over the show, track where they are and whatnot and then when someone calls you, you take payment and send them the details.
You could have runners collecting cash, not carrying ANY gear... So someone gives them cash, they have nothing other than cash, nice and safe.
Buyers don't meet carriers of product, carriers of product don't meet buyers.
You don't even have to get out of bed to service a call at 2AM (if you have a payment mechanism sorted).
I love the idea. Not having to go meet someone when I want a pickup, is perfect. Give me the location and I will do the rest in my own time, no waiting and waiting and waiting...

The first few runs, until you get good at it and your clients get used to it, I guess it won't be as profitable as it could be. But once you get a rhythm going, it is no less profitable than street dealing and I think carries less risk. Also, you don't keep all your stock in a central location waiting to be caught, it gets distributed across the land/city/forests etc so even if you do get interrupted somehow, it will still be there when you get back to it...

It does not have to be dark web market stuff. Encrypted messenger is essential. As for payment, that's a whole different thing, that you will have to figure out based on your environment, users and risk
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Mr Gonzo

Don't buy from me
Apr 13, 2023
Reaction score
Totally agree on this statement only a few things need to be ironed out and finessed, once a client base is made and people get used to a new method. Personally think both the client and carrier will have a easier time, less contact always means less chance of B.S.