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Can you also explain the Oxidation of Piperine:

Piperine can be oxidized to form piperic acid.
Piperic acid can then be further oxidized to yield piperonal. And with Condensation: Piperonal is reacted with a compound like nitroethane to form a nitrostyrene derivative.
Reduction: The nitrostyrene derivative is reduced to form 3,4-methylenedioxyphenyl-2-propanone (MDP2P)??
Can we get a video on medium to high scale Piperine to Piperidine extraction? Piperine is easily purchasable through black pepper extract
Thank you for the video tutorial. Those are very precious even if there's no intention to make drugs. We are learning lab techniques.
Can you also explain the Oxidation of Piperine:

Piperine can be oxidized to form piperic acid.
Piperic acid can then be further oxidized to yield piperonal. And with Condensation: Piperonal is reacted with a compound like nitroethane to form a nitrostyrene derivative.
Reduction: The nitrostyrene derivative is reduced to form 3,4-methylenedioxyphenyl-2-propanone (MDP2P)??
It's much easier to just purchase piperine. Now the video I want to see is making 4-piperidone
Stop making the fucking poision that kills you by even touching it you give this to people or your self if you wanna take opioids take morfine or heroin you will be an addict but still you will be alive!

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